Integrarea E-mail Marketingului cu social media
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Why email and social media?
Nearly 39% of the marketers worldwide have used social media over 2009 in their strategies to expand their databases. In circumstances where several marketers are still attracted by big numbers, those who have used and are still using social media have discovered that social media provide much more quality than quantity, when it comes to expanding the lists.

From now on, the integration of the social media in the email marketing campaigns must be a constant effort, which should go beyond the level that most marketers
perceive, meaning just a mere chance of subscribers to share their content... in circumstances where the big opportunity is to help subscribers build their own communities. Once communities have been formed, marketers can exert a better control in order to communicate the value of the brand to these communities.
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Marketerii spun despre email si social media...
Why email and social media?
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